Canoeing 2nd Edition Bog - Ray Godwin

220,00 kr.
Canoeing 2nd Edition Bog - Ray Godwin
Størrelsesguide : Størrelsesguide

This is a thoroughly modern book on the traditional open canoe. It covers all aspects of the open canoe, from design to wilderness travel. What really sets it apart is its focus on canoeing techniques. Ray Goodwin is the UK's best known and (many would go so far as to say) foremost canoe coach. By introducing some of the latest canoeing performance skills, based on what he has discovered through decades of coaching and guiding, he sets out to inspire a new generation of paddlers. Through clear language and the use of photographs acquired over many years of paddling around the world, he shares some real insights of the reality of canoeing; sometimes gritty, but always enthralling. 

New in the 2nd edition is a section on 'vision pattern', a method for creating a mental map of a rapid. There is an expanded and re-written chapter on canoeing with children. There are more techniques for improvised sailing and more on advanced lining and tracking. It describes new solo rescue techniques and has many new inspirational canoe expedition examples.

Ray has paddled extensively in Europe and his British canoe trips include the circumnavigation of Wales and the Irish Sea Crossing. In North America he has canoed the Rio Grande in the South and done trips as far north as the Arctic Circle, as well as doing two kayak descents of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. In addition to being a British Canoe Union Level 5 Coach in Canoe, Inland Kayak, he holds a Mountain Instructor's Certificate and has led ice climbs on Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya and in the Atlas Mountains. He runs his own coaching and guiding business, working at all levels from novice to the top BCU leadership and coaching qualifications courses.

SKU Canoeing2ndEditionBog-RayGodwin
Brand Surfline


Kontakt Surf & Ski Odense + Bike

Efter 15 år på samme adresse i Odense, er vi i 2011 flyttet i nye og større lokaler på rugårdsvej 21. Vi har åbnet en speciel butik på 700 m2 med et kæmpe udvalg i skisport, vandsport og cykeludstyr. I den nye butik har vi nu mulighed for at præsenter varerne på en bedre og mere inspirerende måde.
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      kl. 10 - 14

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